Meet Adriana

I’m Adriana – hey hey! 

I am the owner and lead artist/hairstylist of Adriana Storto – Makeup and Hair Artist. I’ve been a professional makeup artist since 2016 and a certified hairstylist since 2018. 

Have I always been an HMUA? No. For 7 years I was a successful Event Sales Manager and Event Planner working at entertainment complexes, hotels and private social clubs but realized I enjoy it much more as a hobby than a career. I originally took a professional makeup course to have a fun “side hustle” while I figured out my next career move – I already had experience in applying stage makeup so how different could it be? (Insert nervous laugh here.) With some awesome friends who believed in me and many referrals later I quickly realized that hairstyling and makeup artistry was my next career move!

Now, I’m proud to say I’ve grown from a one-woman show to having a team of insanely talented, passionate and friendly hairstylists and makeup artists working well over 100 weddings each year. 

Other quick facts about me,

  • I’m a proud and slightly tired mom to 3 energetic kids and the shyest chihuahua you’ll ever meet
  • Reality TV is my guilty pleasure – I will happily get into heated debates over which Housewives franchise is superior
  • My family loves all things Disney – the movies, the parks, you name it – I even met my husband while working at the Disney Store in high school 
  • I will DIY anything even if it costs significantly more than buying it 
  • I love coffee and I will never turn away coffee. It runs in my veins.
  • I wore a blue wedding dress with leopard print accents for my very Italian wedding and I have ZERO regrets (if you gasped when you read that it’s okay, most people do)

I’m super blessed to be one of the fortunate people who get to have fun at work every day and I wouldn’t be doing this if that wasn’t the case. I love bringing fun energy to bookings and keeping the environment lively and upbeat. I’m a firm believer that the fun should start way before your event does. 

While I have a strong passion for this industry I think I would say I have a stronger passion for helping people feeling confident. Because being able to love yourself inside and out truly is a beautiful thing.

Okay – enough about me. I’d love the opportunity to get to know you now!

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